The increasing amount of power generated from renewable resources, especially wind and photovoltaics, is changing the structure of the energy supply. A traditionally centralized system with only a few big power producers is changing into a system containing many small producers, which directly feed into the local distribution grid. This can result in large voltage variations, an increased risk of the voltage exceeding the prescribed voltage range, and the need to limit or even interrupt the renewable generation.
Line voltage regulators
Increasing the capacity of the distribution grid for renewable energy
Innovative solution
Conventional solutions involve network upgrades – but a line voltage regulator (LVR) solves the problem quickly and economically. That's why Hitachi Energy offers LVRs for applications in the low-voltage (LV) grid and in the medium-voltage (MV) distribution grid. The LVR automatically adjusts a voltage, within a certain range, to a desired value. By applying Hitachi Energy LVRs, users avoid costly grid extension projects.
Why Hitachi Energy?
The Hitachi Energy line voltage regulators use a “booster/feeder“ technology in combination with mechanical switches. Energy losses are minimal. The voltage regulator is built with powerful Hitachi Energy components, and fulfils the highest environmental requirements.