This Service Pack includes corrections for the following cybersecurity and functional issues in SDM600 1.1:
- Fix for the reported vulnerability, commonly called “POODLE attack” (Id: CVE-2014-3566), where an attack can lead to decryption of data within an encrypted SSL session.
- More tolerant central cybersecurity logging application. Device IP address is no longer required in the Syslog message.
- Stability improvements for the central cybersecurity logging application, specifically when connecting devices using Syslog TCP protocol.
- New designed software installer. All required software packages are bundled into one installer. The SDM600 Pre-Requisites installer is no longer required.
- New designed Configuration Tab for improved usability.
- Bug fixes in the SDM600 user rights configuration.
- Reset user password dialog allows to copy and paste automatic generated password. SDM600 is no longer sending Kerberos Authentication requests to domain controllers (this only happened if SDM600 was installed on a PC connected to a domain)